

General information

  • ProFuturo Foundation, in compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, informs you that the website profuturo.education is the property of ProFuturo Foundation, a non-profit organisation with tax identification number G-87620134; it is registered in the Register of Cultural Foundations of State Competence with the assigned registration number 1856EDU; its registered office is located at Calle Gran Vía nº 28, 28013 Madrid.
  • You can contact us by e-mail secretaria.profuturo@telefonica.com or telephone +34 91 482 85 94.
  • The ProFuturo Foundation informs that the purpose of the website is to provide the general public with knowledge regarding the activities that this organization carries out and the services that it provides. Therefore, accessing and browsing this website confers the condition of User, who accepts, from said access and use, all the conditions contemplated in this Legal Notice.
  • The User undertakes to make proper use of the Website, in accordance with applicable laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses, and this Legal Notice, responding to ProFuturo Foundation and third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.

Personal Data Protection

  • ProFuturo Foundation, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD) and in the implementing regulations, guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data provided. If you want to know more about our data protection policy, please read our "Privacy Notice".

Intellectual and industrial property rights

  • ProFuturo Foundation is the original owner or assignee of the rights recognised by the Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations of the contents shown on the website, including but not limited to all the elements that make up the visual appearance, images, sensory stimuli (including the look and feel), texts, audiovisual content, sounds, domain name, brands, designs and/or any other elements and/or signs that are presented on the website. On no account will it be understood that mere access or browsing through the platform entails the assignment or waiving of said rights, unless the contrary is expressly established.
  • The reproduction, distribution, transformation and/or public communication, including making available, of all or part of the contents displayed on the platform is prohibited without the prior written authorisation of ProFuturo Foundation. Likewise, the use of the contents for commercial or similar purposes is strictly forbidden, and they may only be used for educational purposes and in the User's private sphere.
  • The unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, as well as the transfer of the ProFuturo Foundation’s Intellectual Property rights, will give rise to the legally established liabilities. ProFuturo Foundation undertakes to ensure compliance with the above legal conditions, as well as the proper use of the contents that comprise the platform. However, if the User should detect any infringement of the rights corresponding to them under the regulations on Intellectual and Industrial Property or would like more information on this matter, he should please contact us immediately by sending an email to the aforementioned ProFuturo Foundation’s email address.
  • In general and exceptionally, the right of partial reproduction of the content of the website is granted under the following conditions:
    • That it must be compatible with the aims of the website profuturo.education and solution.profuturo.education.
    • That it must not be carried out for profit or commercial purposes.
    • That none of the documents or graphs on the website is modified in any way whatsoever.
    • That no graph available on the website is used, copied, or distributed separately from the text or images that accompany it.
    • That it be previously communicated to ProFuturo Foundation.

Operation, use of the website and responsibilities

  • The ProFuturo Foundation reserves the right to perform, at any time and without prior notification, modifications and updates of the information contained on its website, or the configuration and presentation thereof.
  • The ProFuturo Foundation does not guarantee the lack of errors in the access to the website and its contents, nor does it guarantee it being updated even though it will make its best efforts to prevent them, correct them, or update them, as the case may be.
  • Both the access to the website and any use of the information contained on the site are the sole responsibility of any person who accesses the website or uses the information. The user is responsible for all the actions that he, she or it may perform under his, her or its user identifier. The ProFuturo Foundation shall not be held liable for any consequences, damages, or injuries that may arise from such access or information use.
  • The ProFuturo Foundation does not assume any liability stemming from the connection or contents of third party links mentioned on the website.
  • The ProFuturo Foundation is not liable for the possible security errors that may occur on, nor the possible damages that may be suffered by, the user’s computer system (hardware and software), nor to the files or documents stored in said computer system, that are the result of the presence of viruses in the computer of the user that is used for the connection to the services and contents of the website, for the faulty functioning of the browser, or for the use of obsolete versions of said browser. Nevertheless, ProFuturo Foundation declares that it has adopted all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of the Website and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.

Right of exclusion

  • ProFuturo Foundation reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to this Website and/or the contents and services offered therein, without prior notice, to those Users who do not comply with these general conditions of use or any special conditions that may be established.

Spaces with restricted access.

  • Access to certain sections of this website may be protected by a user code and password (which you must establish when completing the registration form), these being your credentials and in respect of which, the User acquires the following commitments:
    • Access credentials are personal and non-transferable, they identify the user on the website and it is the user's responsibility to keep them secret. Therefore, the user is responsible for all the actions that may be performed under his, her or its user credentials.
    • The user shall notify ProFuturo Foundation of any unauthorised use of his/her credentials or any other security incident as soon as he/she becomes aware of it.

Social media

  • ProFuturo Foundation may be present, currently or in the future, in social networks on the Internet, where it deems appropriate to establish a presence.
  • These spaces will be considered official, and no responsibility will be assumed for the use or contents provided in any other accounts or spaces opened in the social networks by third parties. ProFuturo Foundation also assumes no responsibility for the use or content made available through accounts or open spaces created in a particular way.
  • ProFuturo Foundation, as administrator of its own instances in these networks, may decide not to publish and/or delete any content published on these networks.
  • In any case, the User is solely responsible for the content, if any, published in these social networks of ProFuturo Foundation, being fully applicable to social networks the general terms and conditions of use of the Portal and the electronic site above; and without prejudice to the application of the conditions and terms or policies established by the social network itself.
  • In addition, we inform you that the website integrates, where appropriate, plugins or complements of social networks, with respect to which you should take into account the following:
    • If you are registered as a user of a social network (Facebook, Twitter) and when you visit this website you are logged in to any of these, when you click on their plugins, the social network will receive the information that indicates that you have visited the Site. It will also provide information about your user profile on that social network (name, email, photo, etc.).
    • If you are not logged in to the social network, or are not logged in while visiting the website, it may at least receive and store your IP address.
    • If you do not want a social network to collect your personal data, or to share it with us or any third party, please check the privacy policy of the relevant social network and log out before visiting this website. You can also delete existing cookies that the social network has placed on your computer using the functions of your browser.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

  • The relations established between ProFuturo Foundation, as owner of this Website, and the User, shall be governed by the provisions of the current regulations regarding applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. However, in those cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting to a jurisdiction, ProFuturo Foundation and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.

© 2025. ProFuturo Foundation, 28 Calle Gran Vía, 28013 Madrid. All rights reserved.